Here's a secret which is known to housewives the ages old, to work-a-day farmers for centuries past, to weary sailors, to put-upon servants, and to students-at-desks. Your mind is a free place. All of the land, as far as your mind's eye can see, is yours--on which to build dreams, houses, and stories. You don't have to be wealthy to own a castle or a private island.
I've never really minded doing the dishes (with my new, wonderful Wonder Wand dish-scrubbing wand), or doing the laundry, because it affords an opportunity to think and dream. This phenomenon always makes me think of the Rogers & Hammerstein's Cinderella song "My Own Little Corner."
"In my o
wn little corner in my own little chair; I can be whatever I want to be."
"Home" begins in the mind. May it always provide an unassailable refuge and repose for you.
I've never really minded doing the dishes (with my new, wonderful Wonder Wand dish-scrubbing wand), or doing the laundry, because it affords an opportunity to think and dream. This phenomenon always makes me think of the Rogers & Hammerstein's Cinderella song "My Own Little Corner."
"In my o

"Home" begins in the mind. May it always provide an unassailable refuge and repose for you.
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