The Secret Joy Dress Comes Home

Sort of.  You think you know precisely the dress you want--only a dress of red and blue, only a twirly dress will do, only a dress from Tennessee, only a dress that's cut to the knee.  And then you meet her.  She has unexpected flowers, and a grown-up neckline.  She wants to wear heels and go to dinner with a clutch and meet interesting people.  She may even want to dance.

You saw her on ThredUp, and you knew she was meant to be in your life, so you invited her in.  Years of longing for the Anthropologie Secret Joy Dress are at an end.  Joy is meant to be lived out loud and in the open.  Joy is meant to shared.  Perhaps she has echoes of your Hungarian ancestors, and evokes an East you'd like to visit--a big, beautiful world of people to dance with, to break bread with, to share joy with.  Johnny Was a not-so-secret silk ThredUp joy dress.

I've found my Secret Joy Dress,
It's not the Secret Joy Dress.
My not-so-secret joy, dress,
Is whenever I'm with you.

Our closet is my haven,
Dear darling fashion maven,
I can dress you up and dress you down,
Just always, always, be around.
